When you set out to sell a vehicle, you look for buyers that offer you the best rate possible. Oftentimes, the price they quote is the one you have to accept since it is better than a ham sandwich. But not when you have car wreckers to save the day. Selling your car to a wrecker can be a good option.
A scraper is an ideal place to contact when you want to sell any kind of vehicle. It doesn’t matter if your car is new, old, totalled, or deregistered, these guys will take everything and anything that constitutes metal.
Today, I will tell you all there is to know about selling your car to a wrecker. Follow this guide, and no car wrecker will ever outsmart you!
In this article we will cover
Selling Car To A Wrecker: Find a Suitable Match
Nowadays, you can find a scrapper effortlessly by using the internet and all sorts of other digital media. A simple Google search can help you in this endeavour. However, finding one is easy. It is the selection procedure that is a bit hard.

You need to trust the other person to not undervalue your vehicle. Plus, you also want the best quote for your car. Unfortunately, it’s hard to find both of these qualities in one place. So, you might have to pound the pavement until you find the ideal match.
Once you have the right fit, you can move on to the next step.
Call For a Quote Before Selling Car to a Wrecker
Now you need to ask the wrecker to value your car so you can make a decision. Keep in mind, that car wreckers will calculate their costs differently because they’ll take your car’s make, model, and demand into consideration.
If you are selling an in-demand vehicle, chances are the wrecker will pay a higher price for it, and you will have a field day
Get Up To $10k For Old Vehicles
Clear Any Legal Formalities
You also have to fulfil all legal obligations put forward by the Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency. This includes keeping the vehicle license, registration, and warrant of fitness up to date. If you falter at any of the above legalities, you’ll face problems selling your car to a wrecker.
Sell Piece by Piece or the Entire Car
The car wreckers in Hamilton and other areas give you the option to sell the vehicle as a whole or piece by piece. It is up to you to decide if you want to choose option A or B.
Ideally, you should strip your car of its parts and sell them first. When the price of scrap metal is high, you can sell your car to a wrecker. This way, you’ll get the most money for your scrap-worthy car.
Vehicle Delivery
After you have made your decision, it is time to deliver the car to the car wrecker. You should drive your vehicle to their premises if possible, as that saves you money. But if that is out of the question, you can ask the wrecker to pick up the vehicle from your location at a small fee.
Why Is Selling Your Car to a Wrecker a Good Idea?
Some people are sceptical about selling their car to a wrecker. But little do they know selling to a scrap yard is one of the most profitable ways to dispose of a vehicle.
At a wrecker, you can:
- Get a competitive price regardless of your car’s type, age, demand, and condition.
- Sell the car in its entirety or in pieces. It’s completely your choice!
- Save yourself from dealing with cunning dealership representatives
- Get rid of your old banger in a matter of hours!
That’s why more and more New Zealanders are moving towards this option rather than selling their vehicle to a dealership.
How to Get The Best Price For a Vehicle

The scrapping business is highly dependent on scrap metal prices. The higher they are, the more you can get for your vehicle and vice versa. So, you should always wait and check the market prices before calling a car wrecker.
But you should also be careful not to waste too much time waiting for the ideal moment. If you wait too long, your car might get affected by rust, and you might not even get the initial quoted price.
It’s also good practice to sell vehicles to car wreckers they commonly buy. If you are unsure which type of car is in high demand. Follow the advice below:
Types of Vehicle Wreckers Love
Selling a car to a wrecker is easier if you know the types of vehicles they prefer. Car wreckers love vehicles with little to no wastage and lots of metal/parts. So, anything from sedans to tractors to boats is their favourite. Generally, they accept all kinds of automobiles. However, some wreckers avoid large vehicles because they don’t have the capacity or machinery to scrap such massive pieces of metal.
So, ask your car wrecker to clarify their capabilities before they accept your vehicle.
How Much Do Wreckers Pay?
Wreckers pay for your car based on its weight and the prevailing price of scrap metal in the international market. A car wrecker pays anything between $300 and $10,000 cash, depending on the make, model, year, and condition of the vehicle.
When You Shouldn’t Sell to a Wrecker
The only time you shouldn’t consider selling your car to a wrecker is when international scrap metal prices are low. At such a time, you are bound to get the worst possible quote for your car.
It’s better to sell choose a car wrecker because you can sell your car piece by piece. At a dealership, you don’t have that option.
Scrap yards might accept your corroded vehicle but at a very low price.
Car wrecking is growing in popularity as more automotive manufacturers are recognizing the benefits of recycling. All the major automobile marques have acknowledged that recycling alone has saved them millions in costs and helped them lower the environmental impact of production. As a result, the scrap metal industry in New Zealand is booming.
You should also play your part in saving the environment by scrapping your old vehicle at Mega Wreckers.